These are some links to what I think are excellent sites, both on the martial arts and other things that I am interested in.
Martial Arts Sites
E-Budo: This is a Message board for Japanese martial artists, one of my favorite sites.
Samurai Archives: A great site on samurai history, tons of information on samurais, generals, battles, and more.
Bushido Online: This is a good martial arts site, it has a lot more descriptions of martial arts than I do.
Kung Fu Online: This is a lot like E-Budo but for Chinese martial arts.
Iga Ninja: This is a cool looking ninja page. This is a cool site, you can ask them martial arts questions and they will answer it to the best of their ability.
Tai Chi People This is a nice Tai Chi web site, they also have Chinese herbs that you can order.
Japanese Related Sites
Castles of Japan: This is a page with pictures, locations and maps of Japanese castles.
Other Sites
Tanarus: A cool online only tank simulation game.
Legend of The 5 Rings: This is a role playing game that I used to play, I don't play anymore but I still buy books every once in a while because they have cool stories and illustrations in them.
Last updated: 3/22/01